Mr. Hoorn

Who am I? A Visionary Driving Global Educational Optimization


I am Mr. Hoorn, an 18-year-old entrepreneur and educational visionary from the Netherlands. At the intersection of cognitive psychology and neuroscience, I am currently engaged in extensive research, aiming to revolutionize the way we approach learning.

My immediate goal involves the establishment of a company, the Mind Academy, dedicated to coaching individuals in the art of efficient learning—a stepping stone towards my broader mission of optimizing education globally. Drawing inspiration from the illustrious sociologist Niklas Luhmann, I am developing a comprehensive theory of optimal education. This ambitious undertaking, utilizing the Zettelkasten system, is slated for completion in 30 years, mirroring the timeline of Luhmann's groundbreaking sociological theory.

While my aspiration to pioneer the creation of an artificial superintelligence is momentarily on hold, pending the right resources and timing, it stands as a testament to my commitment to pushing the boundaries of human potential.

Join me on this transformative journey at the Mind Academy, where we aim not only to educate but to redefine the very essence of learning. Let's forge a path toward a future where education is a dynamic, empowering force.


Mr. Hoorn

Skills & Talents

  • Learning: Proactive in acquiring new knowledge and adapting to evolving concepts.

  • Researching: Proficient in conducting in-depth research to extract valuable insights.

  • Note-Making (Zettelkasten/Antinet): Utilizes advanced note-taking methodologies for effective knowledge organization.

  • Strategic Thinking: Capable of formulating and implementing strategic plans to achieve objectives.

  • Back-End Programming: Proficient in C# and Python for robust back-end development. Possesses basic knowledge in JavaScript, HTML, Lua, and SQL, with the ability to quickly learn additional languages if required.

  • Systems Thinking: Possesses a holistic approach to problem-solving, understanding interconnected components.

  • Writing: Accomplished in non-fiction and fiction, with a keen eye for detail and narrative excellence.


  • Chess: Strategic and analytical thinking through the timeless game of chess.

  • Programming: A hobby-turned skill, exploring the intricacies of coding for creative problem-solving.

  • Learning: A constant pursuit of new knowledge and skills to fuel personal and professional growth.

  • Deep Thinking: Delving into profound contemplation, exploring ideas beyond the surface.

  • Philosophy: Engaging in the timeless pursuit of understanding fundamental truths and principles.

  • AI: Passionate about the potential and ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence.

  • Drawing: Expressing creativity through visual art, bringing ideas to life on paper.

  • Storytelling: Crafting narratives, whether through writing, roleplay, or other mediums.

  • Roleplay (with AI usually): Immersive storytelling and character development in collaborative roleplay.

  • Reading (non-fiction & fiction): Nourishing the mind with a diverse range of literature.

Current Research Areas

Dedicated to the pursuit of cutting-edge insights, my current research is centered around the following key areas:

  • Cognitive Load Theory (CLT): Delving into the intricacies of CLT to understand how cognitive resources impact the learning process. Exploring ways to optimize information presentation for enhanced comprehension and retention.

  • Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL): Investigating the merits of IBL as an educational approach that fosters curiosity and critical thinking. Examining its impact on student engagement and knowledge acquisition.

  • Neural Science: Exploring the intersection of neuroscience and education to unravel the mysteries of how the brain processes and retains information. Seeking to leverage neuroscientific principles for more effective teaching and learning strategies.

Furthermore, in collaboration with my esteemed associate, Patrick Malupo, we are actively engaged in crafting a groundbreaking paper. This collaborative effort involves a comparative analysis between Cognitive Load Theory and Inquiry-Based Learning. Our aim is not only to dissect the strengths and weaknesses of each approach but also to integrate them synergistically. By synthesizing these theories, we aspire to pave the way for a more holistic and effective educational paradigm.
Lastly, I am writing a book titled Efficient Learning in an Inefficient System, meant for high school students and up, though teachers might also find it valuable.